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I Summary For Slurry Pump

Model LJYA Series Slurry Pump
Model LJYA Series Slurry Pump

Model LJYA series slurry pump is a vertical cantilever-type single-stage-single-suction centrifugal submerged pump. ENINE procreative Model LJYA series slurry pump is blade wheel is a semi-open type. In the front and back of the blade wheel installs an abrasion-resistant cover. The pump is widely used in chemical process for conveying medium containing less the 30% solid granules and with viscosity less than 200cp, which is subject to the interaction of corrosion and abrasion. It is especially suitable for conveying such medium as phosphoric acid, Timonium phosphor ate slurry, etc. In general, the temperature of the conveying medium is less than 110℃.When conveying medium with higher temperature, the bearing should be cooled with cooling water. Performance scope: flow Q=10-400 M3/h Life H=50m

II Main Manufacture Materials And Applicable Nedium For Slurry Pump

Code Applicable medium
CD4MCU Suitable for diluted sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid by wet process,Timonium phosphate slurry, electrolyte of metallurgy of non-ferrous metals
904,UB-6 Suitable for diluted sulfuric acid
CB7CU Weak corrosive sand slurry, slag slurry, As well as the carnality and halogen liquid in the production of potassium foretellers.
316,Mo2Ti Diluted nitric acid, phosphoric acid, organic acid and medium containing small amount of sulfuric acid or chlorine.
304,18-8 Diluted nitric acid, organic acids.

Besides the above materials, other manufacture materials can also be chosen according to user's need.

Type Capacity
Speed(r/min) Motor power
Type Capacity
Motor power
10LJYA18-4 10 18 1450 4 85LJYA25-4 85 25 1450 22
10LJYA30-4 10 30 1450 5.5 110LJYA25-4 110 25 1450 30
15LJYA18-4 15 18 1450 5.5 160LJYA32-4 160 32 1450 45
15LJYA30-4 15 30 1450 7.5 160LJYA32-4A 150 26 1450 37
20LJYA25-4 20 25 1450 7.5 200LJYA32-4 200 32 1450 55
27LJYA20-4 27 20 1450 7.5 200LJYA32-4A 180 26 1450 45
30LJYA30-4 30 30 1450 11 300LJYA32-4 300 32 1450 75
45LJYA20-4 45 20 1450 15 300LJYA32-4A 270 26 1450 55
54LJYA20-6 54 20 980 15 400LJYA32-4 400 32 1450 90
60LJYA20-4 60 20 1450 15 400LJYA32-4A 350 25 1450 75

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